• Hogs can destroy 20 acres of crops or more per night.
• Feral hogs spread diseases to livestock.
• Hog rooting creates excess wear and tear on farm equipment.

• Hogs displace native wildlife.
• Hogs compete for natural resources.
• Hogs negatively affect mega fauna.

• Feral hogs alter the native habitat.
• Feral hogs degrade water quality.
• Hogs threaten endangered species.
Tough Hog Problems Require Tough Hog Traps
Panel Trap

Fully Customizable Trap
Optional Custom Trap Trailer
HogEye Camera for 24/7 Surveillance
*Pricing is for United States Residents only. Available in EU, Australia, and able to ship to other countries. Contact us for further information.
Drop Trap

Fully Suspended Trap
Best Option for Trap Shy Hogs
HogEye Camera for 24/7 Surveillance
*Pricing is for United States Residents only. Available in EU, Australia, and able to ship to other countries. Contact us for further information.
Single Gate

Gate and Camera for Existing Trap
As Mobile As Your Homemade Trap Is
HogEye Camera for 24/7 Surveillance
*Pricing is for United States Residents only. Available in EU, Australia, and able to ship to other countries. Contact us for further information.
all hog traps include live hogeye camera with 24/7 surveillance system
and remote activation through a custom app
Why Choose Big Pig Traps?
Efficient, easy-to-use trap.
The most mobile hog traps on the market.
In-House Support Team
If you have any trouble with the setup, operation, surveillance, or activation of the trap, we have a team ready to answer your questions.
No conditioning required
Prebait, build your trap, catch hogs.
Big Pig hog traps are 100% made in the USA.
Why Choose Big Pig Traps?
Efficient, easy-to-use trap.
The most mobile hog traps on the market.
In-House Support Team
If you have any trouble with the setup, operation, surveillance, or activation of the trap, we have a team ready to answer your questions.
No conditioning required
Prebait, build your trap, catch hogs.
Big Pig hog traps are 100% made in the USA.
Big Pig Process
Choose a trap
Choose our easy-to-use drop trap or panel trap and start your pre-bait site.
Install the trap and camera system
Set up the trap and camera system, keeping fresh bait within the trap.
Take Control of Your Land
The HogEye camera system notifies you when pigs are in your trap, giving you control to drop your trap from anywhere at any time.
Don't let feral hogs destroy your land and wildlife.
Take CONTROL with a Big Pig Trap and the HogEye Camera System.
states with the largest feral hog populations
Feral hogs are now present in 35 of 50 states, however the highest concentration remains across the South. Feral hogs are now moving into northern states such as Minnesota and Montana from Canada.
Graph displays percentage of counties within each state that have feral hogs.
*States ranked in order of number of feral hogs sightings. VIEW SOURCE*
Big Pig Traps & Hogeye Cameras Around the World


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Unsure which trap is right for you?
Reach out to us and we'll get you the right trap to best fit your needs.